In a perfect world, I would have written tons of posts between my last post, and this one, but I didn’t. Fuck that, the world is far from perfect, but you have to make it as good as you can, don’t you agree? I think I finally ended on the right track, after looking around to find my way. For one, I am going to the gym so frequently that my body is starting to change, but more about that later. Business wise I seem to have my things going the way they should. I can basically do what I want, and by the first of September one of my dreams will come through, but more about that later as well.

First, you should know that I have been using my brand new 27 inch iMac Core i7 for quite some time already, and I love every bit of it. Every time I have to turn on my old PC to transfer some files or so, I experience the difference in the first person. Boy o boy, do Windows machines suck! I also installed Parallels to be able to use my former Windows applications, as in the past I have acquired many (useful and, oh well… not so useful) licenses to different kinds of software. This is a superb tool which enables you to run Windows programs in your OSX environment. It also gives me the opportunity to test my sites in Internet Explorer, which most of us Internet entrepreneurs know can cause a lot of problems.
Best of everything is my new Mac’s speed. I can run as many pieces of software simultaneously as I wish. Starting up a new application happens in just a heartbeat, and you can even automate all kinds of processes. For instance, I needed to convert tons of GIF files into PNG’s – all I had to do is creating a workflow using Automator, and I was ready within a minute! The more and more I get used to working with OSX, the more efficient I become. It was an incredible investment, money wise, but it’s been all worth it up to now. My new iMac is the perfect computer, no discussion possible!
So, my world has become pretty close to perfect, although it doesn’t look that I am going to make my goal to become a Super Affiliate, which I set 5 months ago. Last week I felt totally different, as I was climbing high up the ladder, without the end in reach, but this week Google deployed Caffeine over all their data centers, and since the worldwide release of it, I have dropped about 30% in unique visitors. Imagine this crap happening after hitting one of my most important Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) set for ranking with a specific phrase. I’m sure that Stickyeyes will help me to get back on track, but at this moment my investment (which is quite a sum all together) seems to have vanished.
Even if the world would be perfect, it would still suck if your body isn’t in a perfect condition. Perfect makes perfect! Health, physical strength, and fuck it, the shape of my body, have become one of my top priorities. I didn’t give up going to the gym, in fact, I am even going more frequently than when began. I estimate that I am averaging five times per week, including some occasional physio sessions at the gym across the street to work specifically on my back problems. I now have been working out 13 weeks in a row. A little bit of math tells you that I’ve been going to the gym 65 times. I managed to lose 2-3 kg, which might seem too much to you, but take in account the muscleman I’ve become and you can understand I must have lost a tremendous amount of fat, especially around the belly! Honestly, I never imagined myself becoming a gym junkie, but I did and I love it, and now even Lydia, my girlfriend, has become one. While she currently works out three times per week to get her pre-pregnancy shape back, I’ll continue to work on my six-pack, and we’ll definitely form the perfect couple this summer! Say bye-bye to David and Victoria, ’cause here come Giorgio and Lydia!
Yesterday I have placed an order at for a new shipload of supplements. The $183.52 are well spent on 5 Lbs of Optimum 100% Whey Protein, 2.25 Lbs BSN NO-Xplode creatine, 40 packs Universal Animal Cuts (a fat burner to cheat away the remainders of my love handles), and 200 caps of Multi Pro 32X vitamins to complete. Until now I was using supplements which I got from a local fitness and health store, but IMO these seemed a bit overpriced. I also switched from Kre-Alkalyn to NO-Xplode creatine, as I didn’t really notice an increase in strength while using Kre-Alkalyn.
I will try to post the results of my new supplements, but for those of you who don’t know Jack about it, let me describe them to you first:
- Whey Protein – Helps the basic building of muscles. I use this 3 times a day – mornings, post workout, and before going to bed. It’s powder to be mixed with (preferably skimmed) milk to be consumed as a shake.
- Creatine – Helps with increasing of muscle mass and explosive power, hence more reps and weight. Until now I was using Kre-Alkalyn, but am switching to NO-Xplode to see if I will notice any difference. I plan to use this supplement for a period of 12 weeks and will consume it about an hour before working out.
- Fat Burner – I simply hate cardio and only do it to warm up my body and loosen up my muscles. After 13 weeks I clearly have lost a lot of fat, but the summer is nearing and yes, I want to show off my six-pack! Animal Cuts should help me get quicker results. People on have rated this a 7.8, and from what I’ve heard you really get pomped up from this shit – so we’ll see.
- Vitamins – Working out or not, no matter what you do, using vitamin supplements will help your body to become more resistant.
Let me tell you one thing: Before I finally decided to start working out, I used to be sick all the time – say one time every two weeks. In the past 13 weeks, I have been sick just once. After the whole family has been sick, I couldn’t avoid it – but I was back on my feet after just one day! See why my world is nearing perfection?
Business News
Okay, so my biggest announcement has yet to come. I already mentioned the gym across the street, right? This place is literary across the street, not even a 10 seconds walk from our front door! I can even see people sweating from my in-house office. Dang, I can even see if the chicks working out are nice looking or butt-ugly!
Anyway, once about every week I have a physio session to work on my back problems, and during one of these sessions I ended up in a conversation with my therapist about the things I’m doing for a living. One thing leads to the other, and before you knew it, a few days I was talking to the landlord about renting an office in the same building. Guess what, I was lucky and one’s becoming available coming September. I can’t be more happier, renting an office space so close to the place I live that I can probably use the same WiFi connection.
The space is about 60 square meters (approximately 200 square feet) and can easily store 2-3 persons. Time for growth baby!
In the meantime, I will have to start saving for the interior and supplies because I really want to make my office the place to be! One of the things on my wishlist is a Herman Miller Aeron chair. I want this chair so badly, and had the opportunity to win one in this years’ PAL NCAA Bracket Contest, but unfortunately, my bracket didn’t do very well. Next, to the Aeron chair, I want a big-ass plasma screen on the wall. Since I primary work by myself, it can get awfully quiet sometimes – so I want to be able to come to work, turn on the TV and have an NBA game playing in the background. Furthermore, I NEED to have a Nespresso machine (really can’t live without it at home, so I need another one). Last but not least I will get a pretty dang good security system – probably one connected to some kind of security firm.
What more has been cooking?
In one of my first posts, you could read that I promoted in Hattrick. Well, my stay in the 6th division didn’t last for very long, as I ended in the final position and degraded back to the 7th. I am now facing a couple of teams with similar strength, and have to start thinking of renewing some of my players as well, as they are getting a tad bit too old to keep performing well. Nevertheless, I was able to pull a couple of great youth players in a row, which I either sold or added to my selection. I am thinking to replace my trainer, but have to save up some more money to be able to acquire a good one.

Furthermore, I have been wasting a few days in creating a new site, but I already pulled the plug as it was too much of a risk to fail. The site would have been a sports book related portal targeting the 2010 World Cup Football in South Africa. After consulting with an expert in the field of sports betting I finally decided that I’d better concentrate on something different – which you will soon be able to read more about.
It’s a perfect world after all, but seriously time to stop blogging now and get some sleep, as the sun (<- sons) will rise early tomorrow morning. Speak soon, and don’t forget, if you ever want to chat, either business, about working out or casual, you know where to find me!
Nice post man! As far as your workout supps I think you are on the right track… I just ordered more Animal Cuts and I love NO Xplode. If you are working out on an empty stomach I would take NO Xplode 30 minutes before instead of an hour… everyone is different but 20-30 mins is perfect for me (I workout on an empty stomach).
Good luck to us both getting ripped for the summer!
I’m sure your set back with Google Caffeine is just temporary. Keep working and working out.
@Kevin – Thanks for the tips! Can’t wait ’till my supplements arrive man. I’ll keep you posted, and good luck with your workouts.
@Terry – Seem to have my rankings back as of today. It might have been a temporary glitch, who knows, but it got me really worried sick when I lost up to 40% of my visitors for a whole week.
Monsieur de La Palisse said “one must fall to rise again”.
You know already your next set and you are working on it.
The last few things are the most difficult ones.
Straight forward success!