Install Laravel and Homestead

Step by step guide to install Laravel including Homestead:

  1. Download Composer
  2. Download (the installer) and install Laravel using the following command in Terminal:
    composer global require "laravel/installer"
  3. Download VirtualBox, then double-click the package to install it
  4. Download Vagrant, then double-click the package to install it
  5. Add the Vagrant box to Laravel using the following command in Terminal:
    vagrant box add laravel/homestead
  6. Make sure to pick choice 3 (which stands for the VirtualBox provider) when asked
  7. Clone the Homestead GIT repository using the following command in Terminal:
    git clone ~/Homestead
  8. Change to the Homestead directory using the following command in Terminal:
    cd ~/Homestead
  9. Check out the latest Homestead GIT repository using the following command in Terminal:
    git checkout v7.17.0

    Note: Make sure to pick the latest stable Homestead GIT repository version here

  10. Terminal:

    Note: This will generate the initial Homestead.yaml file in the Homestead install directory, which I’ll explain in more details below


The Homestead.yaml comes with default settings. The most important changes I make are folders, sites, and databases.


- map: path/to/your/host-os/directory
  to:  path/to/your/guest-os/directory

The host-os directory is where your project’s files will be stored. Here’s a real-life example:

- map: /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/vagrant/code/project1
  to:  /home/vagrant/code/project1


- map:
  to:  /home/vagrant/code/project1/public

You must also edit your local host file, using the following Terminal command:

sudo nano /etc/hosts

For example: # The IP should be the same as set in the Homestead.yaml configuration file.

When ready use the following Terminal command:

vagrant up

Or in case of an edit use the following Terminal command:

vagrant reload --provision

Troubleshooting Homestead

If you have a headache to get Homestead running as it should, perhaps because of the “No input file specified.” message like I have experienced, here comes the solution:

  • folders: map is the actual location of your files, locally
  • folders: to is the location on your virtual machine
  • sites: map is the name of your project (this is a dummy domain, don’t forget to edit your hosts file)
  • sites: to is the location where your files are hosted on your virtual machine (comparable to the location on a remote server)